I created this recipe to use leftover holiday turkey. It's a classic bound salad using mayonnaise and celery, but it also includes fresh cranberries, orange...
This is a low-sodium, low-acid, IC-friendly chicken salad recipe that tastes great and is made in an Instant Pot®. I created this recipe for my husband...
This is a tasty dinner salad, topped with tender slices of pistachio encrusted chicken. To save time, buy pistachios with the shells already removed. If...
We call this bomb bomb chicken. Adjust the spice level by adjusting the sambal. Perfect for a hot summer day: Cool cucumbers with chilled chicken are topped...
A good salad for entertaining is one that can be made ahead and enjoyed at room temperature. This dandelion green salad is studded with sweet roasted onions...
A quick and easy fruit and curry chicken salad. . . Other items may be added as desired, e.g., raisins, pineapple, coconut, nuts of your choice, green...
This has long been my go-to recipe for Easter brunch, potluck lunches, bridal and baby showers, or really, anytime we want a delicious chicken salad. It...
This Ravioli Salad with Cilantro Pesto, Olives, and Pepitas recipe was adapted from Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson (Ten Speed Press; 2011). It...
No mayo here! Boiled new potatoes are smashed and tossed with red-wine vinegar, lemon, and olive oil while still warm, then finished with parsley and oregano...
Great for leftover Thanksgiving turkey! I threw it together and decided to write down the measurements. Everyone loved it! For a kick add more jalapeno...
A Mexican restaurant I used to go served this dish. I came up with what I think is their recipe or close to it. It's awesome and a different take on traditional...
Need a quick and easy dinner idea for leftover turkey? This is my grandmother's recipe, one she made the Monday following Thanksgiving. I'm so glad I found...
A Mexican restaurant I used to go served this dish. I came up with what I think is their recipe or close to it. It's awesome and a different take on traditional...
This easy, no-cook, unique pea salad is a delicious snack or side dish. It tastes great with sandwiches, salads, or other cold dishes. Be careful, it's...
This easy, no-cook, unique pea salad is a delicious snack or side dish. It tastes great with sandwiches, salads, or other cold dishes. Be careful, it's...
Every year when we visit friends on Cape Cod we celebrate Thanksgiving in July. I incorporated some of the fresh herbs from my friend's garden and came...
Grilled lemongrass chicken served over a rice noodle salad with vegetables tossed a Vietnamese dipping sauce-style dressing. Use any recipe for the grilled...
Great for leftover Thanksgiving turkey! I threw it together and decided to write down the measurements. Everyone loved it! For a kick add more jalapeno...
We call this bomb bomb chicken. Adjust the spice level by adjusting the sambal. Perfect for a hot summer day: Cool cucumbers with chilled chicken are topped...
A sweet, but healthy chicken salad. The sweet secret is dried cranberries. Awesome on homemade bread or on crackers. I spread cream cheese on the bread...
My dear husband and I cook several whole chickens on the smoker a few times a year. I am always looking for different ways to use the shredded meat that...
Turn multigrain bread into the star of this summer vegetable panzanella, an Italian-style bread salad featuring juicy tomatoes, grilled zucchini, eggplant,...
A colorful and crunchy salad that you can make up in advance and eat over several days -- great for singles on the run and colorful and unusual at dinner...
My dear husband and I cook several whole chickens on the smoker a few times a year. I am always looking for different ways to use the shredded meat that...
Chicken salad often finds its way to my summer menus, served on greens or a croissant. I think this one is just a little special. It's sweet and juicy...
A tropical twist on the Waldorf Salad! Turkey breast and pineapple are tossed with crisp celery, red bell pepper, and green onion, finished with a creamy...
This is a light and easy to make chicken salad. For a less tangy dressing, use light mayonnaise instead of the sour cream. Also, green onions can be substituted...